Drama Angry Mom

Kim Hee Sun
Kim Yoo Jung
Ji Soo
Ji Hyun Woo

Watch "ANGRY MOM" if you like school romance.

My favorites quotes :
  • The one who loves more is always the weaker one.
  • Don't worry ahead of time. 96 % of our worries are something that will never happen, already happened, or it's very trivial or something that you can't do anything about.
  • Though the world isn't always beautiful, it isn't always cruel either. Not all poems are always beautiful, but sufficiently moving, and I hope you find a poem of your own.
  • Trust is like a dust. Before it piles up, it's nothing.
  • Suspicion is something that once started, keeps growing uncontrollably. You need to trust people. There are bad people in the world, but there are more good people.
  • I can't poop because it's so noisy.
  • Do you know what's the scariest in the world ? The truth. Seeing the real face.
  • Do you avoid poop because you are afraid ? No, it's because it's dirty. It's best to avoid filthy things.
  • Because it's dirty, everyone avoids it...and pretends not to see it. Isn't this world turning more and more into a field full of excrement ?
  • In a place one pooped, another person always comes and poops there again. If the poop is immediately removed, they will think "ah, one should not poop here. If I poop here, I will get beaten to death by the owner" and they wouldn't do it.
  • Even the tiger's den will feel less scary if you go in as a pack.
  • Humanity is like this. People only hold onto you when they need you and only stay friends when they need you.
  • The naive and easy ones are the first to be eaten up, that's what the world is. 





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